
Unfamiliar Networks


is an installation that we develeoped for the Startup Fair "TOA" at Funkhaus Berlin in June 2018. With a team of six artists from different countries (all mates of my Media Space class) we created a interactive and fluid experience best seen in the film attached:


developed during my studies of Media Spaces at the "University of Applied Sciences of Europe" as  Project 1 in 2017/18  together with my mate Leonie Pfeiffer.



An installation out of two paintings that can also stand alone. But but together the become a new piece that talks about the process of giving away and the losses and gains in that process.


Given was a "White Cube 10x10x10 m" which we filled with 20 boreDOMES. Those are like islands in an empty room that is dominated by craze projections of  silly you-tube videos. The boreDOMES offer experimental spaces with soft light, sweet sounds or simply silence. The right facett of "boredom" can bring out new creativity.


(Project 1, WS 2017/18 Media Spaces)

Our media controlled society and the constant reachability through social media jades us with a sensory overload. We try to keep pace and avoid occasions where we´d just wait because that would plunge us into boredom what would make us feel uncomfortable. Most of us have unlearned to cope with boredom in a positive sense.

A contemporary TV Show “Lesch´s Cosmos” has examined the issue of boredom on individual’s reactions. The reactions range from self-destructive behavior to new creative ideas. While some enjoy the silence as relaxing and refreshing others urge for distraction. For an experiment two teams have been sent one to a shopping mall and the other for a forest hike and after that assigned a creative task for test issues. One team was relaxed, exploding with new ideas the other one was tired. Boredom doesn't deserve it´s bad reputation. Spent in the right surrounding boredom generates new thoughts and out of the box ideas.

It takes real effort to find a comfortable individually fitting state of boredom.This installation provides head size experimental spaces  each with a different content: little appealing sounds or different slowly changing colors. Visitors can experience different kinds of „boredom“ and so find their own individual source of creativity.

EXH: January 2018 at the BTK (Berlin Technische Kunsthochschule, Dessauer Strassse 3-5, Berlin)



The construction of the Prototyps
(Project 1, WS 2017/18 Media Spaces)

Given was a 10 x 10  m White Cube exhibition room as spacial  environment for the installation.  Small 1:20 models show that a the construction will afford a grid  somewhere under the ceiling of the room that release strong cords of 7- 8 m length that are able to carry the boreDOMES. Those robes don´t need to contain electric cables and they should not afoul or hurt visitors. The room fits about 20 boreDOMES with different matters and forms. As prototype we constructed a cube and a drop one with light the other with sound.

The content of the cube was experienced by the visitors as „light without frame“ in soft stimulating colors: green, light blue, white, soft yellow that start shine as soon as a visitor put the head in the dome.
The light sources are LEDs steered by a movement sensor and an Atmel board that was programmed in advanced. A semi transparent folly formed as a cylinder covers the LEDs and builds the inner surface that the  visitor can see and touch.

The content of the drop is merely sound. There is a constant dimmed light source so that the visitor is not scared but the main experience is the sound.
A variety of choices would be available in the real exhibition. Within the drop prototype the sound changes: A supernatural composition of pure sounds, a recording of an empty church in Chile, the sound of opening and closing a make up tube.

The domes hang in ca. 150 cm height form the floor. A flexible height would be optimal but small boxes to step on help small and tall visitors to experience the same installation.